Supporting our sporting, cultural and community groups
- Roof repairs, internal wall rendering, and maintenance work at Macedonia Park for the Stirling Lions Football Club.
- Renovation to the kitchen at the Balcatta Football Club at Grindleford Reserve.
- Upgrades for the Osborne Park Cricket Club at Robinson Reserve.
- Fence repairs and shade sails for the Balcatta Baseball Club at Richard Guelfi Reserve.
- Air conditioning and carpeting for the Stirling Saints Junior Football Club at Richard Guelfi Reserve.
- Renovations for the Balcatta Cricket Club at Jones Paskin Reserve.
- Lighting and building upgrades for the Northern Districts Gymnastics Club.
- Floor maintenance at the Osborne Park Community Centre.
- Shade structures at the Osborne Park Bowling Club.
- Reinstated funding for the Italian Language In-School Program run by Italo-Australian Welfare and Cultural Centre.
- Maintenance and facility upgrades at the Adriatic, Tuscany, Sicilian, and Vasto Clubs and the Chung Wah and Illinden Macedonian Cultural Centres.
- Supporting fundraising efforts of hard-working volunteers at school P&C’s and P&F’s.
- Sponsorship of many local sporting clubs.
- Renovations for the waiting area, kitchen and flooring at the Asbestos Diseases Society in Osborne Park.
- Building maintenance at the Osborne Park RSL’s heritage listed hall.
- Funded maintenance to the Osborne Park Agricultural Society Hall on Main Street.
- Funded the refurbishment and construction of additional change rooms at Des Penman Memorial Reserve.
- Facility and equipment upgrades for the Amelia Heights, and Hamersley Scouts.